Day 8: *feigns Forest Gump voice* I WAS RUNNING!

The day had finally come: Today was the day I was getting on a treadmill to test out this new vegan diet by running a few miles. I enjoy running; it has always been the way I quiet my mind and just focus on the beat of the music and my breathing (thanks, asthma). But, sometimes it just isn’t a fun experience. All of the injuries I never let properly heal as a stupid teenager always pop up to remind me they are there by shooting pain through various parts of my body. I have always had so much inflammation and swelling that my ankles and knees tend to give me grief as I get warmed up and as I end it as well. The aftermath of a 3-mile run can mean the need to elevate ankles and get ice packs out, as well as shooting pain when I get out of bed the next day as well.

I was a little worried as I was lacing up my running shoes for the first time in more than a month (and after a VERY sedentary existence while home on vacation that included eating barbecue 4 times while home). How long until my ankles swell and the pain begins to shoot through my joints like normal? One mile? Two? Only time was going to tell at this point. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if I could make it two miles considering how absurd my diet was this month.

I turned on the treadmill and started to do a brisk walk to warm up my joints (this is just a ritual I’ve had since forever; if I don’t, then end up cutting it off early from pain).


I kicked up the speed and started jogging…and waited. Waited for the pain. Waited for my ankle joint to catch. I ran 2 miles and had to slow down to walk some hills for a bit because my lungs couldn’t keep up (thanks once again, asthma), then started jogging for another mile before walking to cool down. I got off the treadmill to go stretch, and the only thing I felt was wobbly legs. Is this for real? I didn’t feel a lack of “go” while running, didn’t have any of the normal joint pain, nor did I actually want to stop when I did (I wanted to be able to walk the next day for my first class of the semester tomorrow).

Is this diet my own personal fountain of youth? I feel better than I have in a long time and don’t have any inflammation in my joints. I haven’t felt bloated after any of my meals up to this point. I also haven’t felt so energized in a very long time as well. It may be too much dairy or too much protein—or possibly both—but if I feel like this after 8 days and am not finding myself craving anything too much from my old diet, then I am going to have to figure out what to do on Day 32.

Oh yeah, I ate my stupid kale chips today and walked around the office talking to people with them stuck in my teeth. Kale is still stupid and I hate it. Death to kale.

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